June 5, 2012


Parents teach children to share and be fair when growing up. We are taught to treat others with respect and equally. Yet you go and vote like you have some power over another human being and take their rights away. Even though you probably don't know first hand what kind of person they are or what their life is like. If it does not affect your life in anyway you should not be able to play God and take someones choice and rights away. What if someone else got to vote on your right to get married or have kids. What if they decided hey I don't believe you should be able to marry the person you love so sorry but your just going to have to deal with not being able to marry them because I don't think you should be able to. That sounds ridiculous. No matter what your voting on you shouldn't be able to take someone else choice away. You should focus on trying to raise your kids the right way instead of taking an adults right away to marry or make important life decisions, that affect their lives not yours, away. Every person believes something different. Look at Christianity, there are multiple denominations that read the exact same bible but believe it says something different. Even though it says the exact same thing and it comes from the exact same book. My point in all this rambling is this: You are not God. God put every single human being on this Earth. When he did he gave us the right and choice to choose the paths we travel down. No human being on this Earth has the right to vote and choose to take away another human beings right.

March 16, 2012

The World Today

The World Today
Your mind just for one moment breaks out of the robot daze it’s been in.  You are yourself and have just a tiny bit of time to look around the world and see what it consists of.  When you do, you see headlines of a solider killing civilians and children.  You see the government and human beings playing God. Taking away the right God gave you when he put you on this Earth to make the decisions as you go down the path of life.  You see politicians running for high ranking positions calling women “sluts”.  You see mothers and fathers denying the children they helped put on this Earth love because their child is gay.  You see Catholic preachers keeping communion away from a woman at her mothers funeral because she was a lesbian.  Oh yes, because when Jesus was on Earth he wouldn’t dare break bread with someone because society looked at them as less of a person.  Oh wait, society looked at Jesus as less of a person and scrutinized him.  This world is nothing but ball of hate, I feel so bad because it’s not what God intended.  We see celebrities, well we see the image that the media doctors up and compares ourselves to them.  We do things to change our body so it’s more appealing and accepting, even if we could get cancer in the long run.  We belittle and bully people until they kill themselves now an days.  Honor they neighbor, the government and many churches laugh in the face of that commandment.  They think they are superior but they aren’t.  Many, not all, are the root of all this hate in the world.  They take control of the “citizens” brains and make them believe and follow whatever they say.  Jesus walked to the beat of his own drum thats why they took his life and hung him on a cross.  Now people have forgotten how to march to the beat of a different drum.  You follow these people, who have ignorant and wrong believes.  You don’t even know the difference in right and wrong anymore.  When will you finally open your eyes and rip the cord out of your brain that feeds their beliefs to you. Do you hear what your saying?  My mother told me, “All gay people are prostitutes”.  She has a PhD in Psychology … she doesn’t even know what she is saying.  The church and much of the government has pounded that thought into her brain.  How does her statement make any sense, it doesn’t it’s a lie.  Thou shall not lie, guess where laughing in the fact of that one also.  Stop believe people when they say your a bad person for being a homosexual and that it’s a sin.  Do you people not see how diluted peoples brains have become.  They don’t even know who they are or what they are saying.  We have to be the bigger stronger people, and rip the cords from our brains.  We have to stand up and help other people become free.  When God puts human beings on this Earth they are born free to make their own choices and be their own person.  Don’t let someone take that right away, if what your doing has not wrong or negative effects.  No ones rights should be taken away for being a wonderful loving person.  We have to stand up and shout to the world to make them see.  
I apologize for any grammar errors, I am not a grammar wiz.

January 22, 2012

I am so angry with the Republican party and certain “Christians”. I cannot stand it anymore. How dare they talk negative about a community they don’t know a darn thing about. You say we ruin marriage, yet thousands of you get divorced every single day (Mark 10:10). You say we are not fit to be parents. For your information I will have a bachelors degree in less than a year, I have never even gotten a speeding ticket, and have been with only 1 woman (not tons). And you tell me someone from jail is more fit then me?! Your supposed to save yourself for marriage, I would have loved to but you won’t let me marry my amazing girlfriend. You say you are discriminated aganist more than the LGBT community, that is a lie (your not supposed to lie that’s a sin). You misuse the bible against our community. The red in the bible is the really important stuff and the word homosexual is not in red. America invented the word homosexual. The Amercian bible is translated way differently than the real bible which is Greek/Hebrew. Funny bit of information you never talk about greed, that’s in red check out (Matthew 25: 31-46). He parts us right and left, those on the right inherited the kingdom of God because they gave him something to eat when he was hungry, gave him something to drink when he was thirsty, invited him in when he was a stranger, clothed him when he needed clothes, looked after him when he was sick, and visited him when he was in jail. Those on the left didn’t do any of those things and he told them to depart from him into eternal fire. He didn’t say straight people on the right homosexuals on the left. You people are so good at pointing your fingers. You don’t promote what God promotes, it’s sad. The homosexual community is treated awfully and so are the HOMELESS. Many chruches snarl their noses when a misdressed dirty homeless man, woman, or child walks into a church. (Matthew 23:13-34). I love everyone the way God does. God sends angles in disguise and sends test to see if human kind can pass. Much of the human race is teaching, learning, and radiating hate. (Romans 2:1-4) God loves everyone he does not see race or gender. It’s funny how everyone brings up Sodom, you people don’t even know what it’s about. (Exekiel 17:49) Now this is the sin of your sister Sodom. She and her daughters were overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. It’s sad the way you people judge me, my bible is highlighted and marked more than many of yours. I don’t hate you, we are all one in Christ. I just pray God helps YOU find your way. You spend so much time pointing your finger at us. God says to look in the mirror and take the the plank out of your eyes before you remove the speck from ours (Matthew 7:5). All humans are created equal and God does not favor anyone more or less: (Job 34:19), (Acts 10:34) and (Galatians 5:6). Stop making such a big deal of who we love. If everyone stood up against people like you, we would have you trapped in a corner. You treat us like scum and shove it down our throats and then tell us you don’t want to hear what we have to say. You hypocrites! We deserve to stand up and yell as much as we want to! Why would you teach children to sit and do nothing while someone unjustly degrades them unjustly with hate. You have the right to marry and divorce, and you think that’s protecting marriage! You split children between families, and think that’s a better environment for children! You take away our rights and say we don’t deserve them and demand we do nothing about it! Well I won’t be quiet. I am strong, caring, and important. I will not sit and let you call me things I am not. It’s really embarrassing to see all the FACTS against the people who do these things. All the things you say about me are wrong, they are lies! You are mistreating humans, and need to be held responsible for what you have done. It’s not all of you.  You come in all shapes, sizes, races, religions, genders, and political parties.  It is easy to find you though, because you speak so negatively of us, you don’t even know us. 

September 27, 2011

Southwest Discrimination/ Discrimination Nation

It is really sad to read some of the comments on here.  First off, they have the incident on video and audio so they have a upper hand.  Secondly, according to many sources and people they were not making out it was a PECK. Now funny fact, Southwest Airlines is supposed to be the number 1 GLBT airline company (doesn’t seem like it to me).  The fact that the woman said that the flight was family friendly was way out of line.  I’m sorry but last time I checked there are homosexual families in the world.  What gives Southwest Airlines the right to take this into their hands and discriminate against all families that are not made of one man and one woman.  If a heterosexual couple pecked each other on the lips before take off no one would say ANYTHING.  Last time I was on a plan was this summer and in fact there was a couple he was getting ready to be deployed and while on the plane they made out not a simple peck, but no one said anything.  This makes the company look beyond ignorant due to the actions of the flight attendant. Oh and by the way what they did was not obscene.  America is taking on this anti-bullying policy tying to reduce the number of young Americans killing themselves because people point their fingers (when in turn they need to look in the mirror and evaluate themselves) at the homosexual community and bully them.  Telling a couple who are doing nothing wrong, (unless loving someone is wrong) that they may not kiss because its “family friendly” (only to “normal” standards) could cause someone to take their lives.  It’s not dramatic, imagine if every single day you had people telling your children that they were disgusting and were going to burn for being heterosexual. That wouldn’t make you feel happy would it.  If it happened everyday eventually something would set someone off.  Americans stand up and stop spewing hate all over the country.  We are not supposed to hate our neighbors.  If anyone is in the wrong in this situation it is the people judging and demeaning the homosexuals you are displaying hate they in turn are just trying to love someone.  No one should have to wake up everyday and be someone their not just to make others happy. Also all the people degrading the homosexual community here is a history lesson on America for you …
The Declaration says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”  This tells us when government becomes destructive to our life, liberty or pursuit of happiness it is our right to stand up and fix it. Heterosexuals have the right to marry the person who they love.  Homosexuals do not have the same right; this affects their unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  If a homosexual couple is together for 50 years, and one of them dies the other not only loses their partner, but they don’t get the same compensation that heterosexual couples do such as workers compensation.  If a homosexual couple adopt a child many times only one of them can legally adopt the child.  If the parent that adopts the child becomes ill has to leave a job and loses health insurance but the partner has insurance it does not matter because it will not cover the partner and her child due to states that don’t allow second-parent adoptions. The Bill of Rights Amendment I says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” When you hear of people protesting homosexuality it is people from religious affiliations, congress is not supposed to make a law respecting an establishment of religion.  Along with this the state and church are supposed to be separate.  American cannot legally say marriage is defined as a man and a woman because it is what the bible says. Once again, church and state are “supposed” to be separated.  Clearly, there is no argument that DOMA is way out of line.  The Bill of Rights Amendment IX says, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” (In this enumeration means the numbered list; construed means interpreted in a particular way; and disparage means regard as being of little worth.)  The way I interpret this: what is written in the Constitution, regarding certain rights, cannot be interpreted in a particular way to deny or give little worth to other people who are in possession of these rights. The Bill of Rights Amendment XIV Section 1 says, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law, which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Due process of law is, “a constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair and that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away one’s life, liberty, or property. Also, a constitutional guarantee that a law shall not be unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious.”  The national and state governments have taken away the rights of all these homosexual Americans without the due process of law.  Where is the constitutional guarantee that the law shall not be unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious? It also clearly says; if you are born in the United States of America you are a citizen. The homosexuals who’s rights have been taken away are citizens and this amendment says that the government cannot do what they have done. In America people are targeted and bullied for being gay. I can’t say all Americans are hateful and bully the homosexual community but it’s no secret that many do. It’s a sad day when you turn on the news to see high suicide rates among young people, who did this because they were homosexual or even looked different. It’s sad when you see that a minor was kicked and beaten to death for being gay and a state just sits back and pretends its okay. It’s sad when you find articles on the news saying that it’s adults who are teaching the upcoming youth hate (news article in sources). America where is our love, our pride and our helping hand. We are all citizens and should treat each other with respect, and should not go out and argue that someone does not deserve the rights you have. I don’t like to really talk about religion because that is not something to base this subject off of. However, I must stand up and say that college has opened my eyes and made me a better person. We are not judges, and should not put others fate into our own hands. Jesus did not bring down people he had compassion and love. Look at the story with the woman who slept around, she was going to be stoned Jesus knelt down and drew a line in the sand and said, “the first one without sin can throw the stone.” He stood up for the person that was “different” and saved her life. We belittle people who are different and throw our “words” (instead of the stones) at them until it drives them to take their own lives. The woman was sleeping around which had negative effects on herself and others, whereas homosexuality does not hurt you and all they are doing is LOVING someone. Now if you are a Christian how can you tell people they are going to burn for something like homosexuality?  Funny thing is, the people that you point your finger at only love someone.  The homosexual community isn’t made up of murders, rapist and robbers.  They are just citizens like the people in the heterosexual community.  Criminals come in all shape, sizes and forms but the homosexual community aren’t criminals and don’t deserve to have their rights stripped away.  Even criminals in jail are allowed to marry someone they love if they choose.  So why can’t a woman or man who loves their partner and wants to spend the rest of their lives with that one person marry them. Heterosexuals can marry the one person they love and spend their lives with them.  So what is the legal reason the government can deny another citizen that right? Must we really stoop and stay at this level? We should treat any American (or foreigner) with the respect and rights every human being deserves. Bottom line is that this is America and this is not what it was founded on, people try to change that and they can’t. We still treat others the way we did 60 years ago. We should not make mistakes that we made in past history, we should grow from them learn and move forward.  Will you stand up for what is right?

Southwest Airlines

Just read a tweet from Leisha Hailey from The Real L Word that read, “I have been discriminated against by @SouthwestAir. Flt. attendant said that it was a “family” airline and kissing was not ok.”  They then escorted the couple off the plane for getting upset about the issue.  I don’t know about anyone else but this really pisses me off.  Can’t wait to hear what the response from Southwest Airlines is.  She has also asked fans to boycott the airline saying that “they hate us.”  Ironic thing is that the airline supposedly supports the GLBT community … 

Fed Up

Just throwing this out there what if the homosexual community was bullying people for being heterosexual.  In turn the heterosexuals were committing suicide, there would be uproar and everyone would probably stand up.  If you go to Google and put in “people killed for being homosexual” hundred of names pop up.  If you put in “people killed for being heterosexual” you really can’t find a list.  This is a huge problem, I know people are trying but we have to stop being lazy.  Human beings are taking their lives at young ages.  Parents are teaching their children to hate and bully.  Whatever is being done is NOT enough.  This is not what American is about.  I have never even gotten a speeding ticket but a convicted murder has more rights than I do.  If he falls in love he can marry someone he loves but I can’t legally marry the woman I love.  I will not stand here and let people compare us to things like animals, inanimate objects or scum.  Everyday you wake up with an awful pain in the pit of your stomach.  Anxiety becomes something that is a normal everyday thing.  How could something that is supposed to make you happy become such a huge burden?  Everyday you ask yourself, “Am I going to lose my family and friends.”  We all have this idea that we have to choose what is more important, our happiness our parents, family or friends.  Whoever is reading this your happiness is the most important thing in the world.  You are a wonderful, beautiful human being that has an amazing life ahead.  You’re not a waste of a human being or a failure for who you are.  All you do is love, and that is what the world is missing.  By being who you are, you are changing and making the world a better place.  Just because your gay does not mean people won’t love you.  Being gay does not define who you are.  Most importantly God does not hate you for being gay.  You have to find the light and follow it, that light will bring you to a better place. There are people out in this big world that are waiting on you.  We have to remember God never gives us something that we don’t have the strength to handle.  So if things start to get bad, don’t give up.  If you feel like you don’t have anyone else in the world you do, you have tons of other gay people around this world who care.   They all are going through, or went though what you may be going through.  If you are reading this blog and you are someone who bullies people in the LGBT community, then you should be ashamed.  It does not make anyone a bigger person for bullying. It may seem like it’s the cool thing to do, but it could become the reason someone take’s their lives.  If it ever came to that, you would have to live with that for the rest of your life.  If you are being bullied and feel like you can’t put up with it, you can. As you get older things fall into place, and the possibilities begin to run wild.  If you feel like you don’t have anyone let someone know, anyone even me.  We are supposed to be here for each other.  

August 25, 2011

Where's the love ...

The world is filled with beauty.  No matter what direction you look it’s the first thing you see.  My question is how did something God made out of love become so hateful? How is one human’s life better than another’s because of who they are?  Our ancestors came to America for a better life.  It really saddens me to know that at 20 I have less hate in my heart than many elders I know. I know the rights that people are supposed to have but are not given. I understand that the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights are clearly written. I was supposed to learn to love and treat every human being with respect no matter what: race, religion, gender or sexuality. However, many (not all) are brought up being taught to hate and bully people for being different. People came from England to America to have freedom of religion. The Declaration says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”  This tells us when government becomes destructive to our life, liberty or pursuit of happiness it is our right to stand up and fix it.  Heterosexuals have the right to marry the person who they love.  Homosexuals do not have the same right; this affects their unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  If a homosexual couple is together for 50 years, and one of them dies the other not only loses their partner, but they don’t get the same compensation that heterosexual couples do such as workers compensation.  If a homosexual couple adopt a child many times only one of them can legally adopt the child.  If the parent that adopts the child becomes ill has to leave a job and loses health insurance but the partner has insurance it does not matter because it will not cover the partner and her child due to states that don’t allow second-parent adoptions. The Bill of Rights Amendment I says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” When you hear of people protesting homosexuality it is people from religious affiliations, congress is not supposed to make a law respecting an establishment of religion.  Along with this the state and church are supposed to be separate.  American cannot legally say marriage is defined as a man and a woman because it is what the bible says. Once again, church and state are “supposed” to be separated.  Clearly, there is no argument that DOMA is way out of line.  The Bill of Rights Amendment IX says, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” (In this enumeration means the numbered list; construed means interpreted in a particular way; and disparage means regard as being of little worth.)  The way I interpret this: what is written in the Constitution, regarding certain rights, cannot be interpreted in a particular way to deny or give little worth to other people who are in possession of these rights. The Bill of Rights Amendment XIV Section 1 says, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law, which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Due process of law is, “a constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair and that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away one's life, liberty, or property. Also, a constitutional guarantee that a law shall not be unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious.”  The national and state governments have taken away the rights of all these homosexual Americans without the due process of law.  Where is the constitutional guarantee that the law shall not be unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious? It also clearly says; if you are born in the United States of America you are a citizen. The homosexuals who’s rights have been taken away are citizens and this amendment says that the government cannot do what they have done. In America people are targeted and bullied for being gay. I can’t say all Americans are hateful and bully the homosexual community but it’s no secret that many do. It’s a sad day when you turn on the news to see high suicide rates among young people, who did this because they were homosexual or even looked different. It’s sad when you see that a minor was kicked and beaten to death for being gay and a state just sits back and pretends its okay. It’s sad when you find articles on the news saying that it’s adults who are teaching the upcoming youth hate (news article in sources). America where is our love, our pride and our helping hand. We are all citizens and should treat each other with respect, and should not go out and argue that someone does not deserve the rights you have. I don’t like to really talk about religion because that is not something to base this subject off of. However, I must stand up and say that college has opened my eyes and made me a better person. We are judges, and should not put others fate into our own hands. Jesus did not bring down people he had compassion and love. Look at the story with the prostitute, she was going to be stoned Jesus knelt down and drew a line in the sand and said, “the first one without sin can throw the stone.” He stood up for the person that was “different” and saved her life. We belittle people who are different and throw our “words” (instead of the stones) at them until it drives them to take their own lives. Now if you are a Christian how can you tell people they are going to burn in hell for something like homosexuality?  Funny thing is, the people that you point your finger at only love someone.  The homosexual community isn’t made up of murders, rapist and robbers.  They are just citizens like the people in the heterosexual community.  Criminals come in all shape, sizes and forms but the homosexual community aren’t criminals and don’t deserve to have their rights stripped away.  Even criminals in jail are allowed to marry someone they love if they choose.  So why can’t a woman or man who loves their partner and wants to spend the rest of their lives with that one person marry them. Heterosexuals can marry the one person they love and spend their lives with them.  So what is the legal reason the government can deny another citizen that right? Must we really stoop and stay at this level? We should treat any American (or foreigner) with the respect and rights every human being deserves. Bottom line is that this is America and this is not what it was founded on, people try to change that and they can’t. We still treat others the way we did 60 years ago. We should not make mistakes that we made in past history, we should grow from them learn and move forward.  Will you stand up for what is right?

