March 16, 2012

The World Today

The World Today
Your mind just for one moment breaks out of the robot daze it’s been in.  You are yourself and have just a tiny bit of time to look around the world and see what it consists of.  When you do, you see headlines of a solider killing civilians and children.  You see the government and human beings playing God. Taking away the right God gave you when he put you on this Earth to make the decisions as you go down the path of life.  You see politicians running for high ranking positions calling women “sluts”.  You see mothers and fathers denying the children they helped put on this Earth love because their child is gay.  You see Catholic preachers keeping communion away from a woman at her mothers funeral because she was a lesbian.  Oh yes, because when Jesus was on Earth he wouldn’t dare break bread with someone because society looked at them as less of a person.  Oh wait, society looked at Jesus as less of a person and scrutinized him.  This world is nothing but ball of hate, I feel so bad because it’s not what God intended.  We see celebrities, well we see the image that the media doctors up and compares ourselves to them.  We do things to change our body so it’s more appealing and accepting, even if we could get cancer in the long run.  We belittle and bully people until they kill themselves now an days.  Honor they neighbor, the government and many churches laugh in the face of that commandment.  They think they are superior but they aren’t.  Many, not all, are the root of all this hate in the world.  They take control of the “citizens” brains and make them believe and follow whatever they say.  Jesus walked to the beat of his own drum thats why they took his life and hung him on a cross.  Now people have forgotten how to march to the beat of a different drum.  You follow these people, who have ignorant and wrong believes.  You don’t even know the difference in right and wrong anymore.  When will you finally open your eyes and rip the cord out of your brain that feeds their beliefs to you. Do you hear what your saying?  My mother told me, “All gay people are prostitutes”.  She has a PhD in Psychology … she doesn’t even know what she is saying.  The church and much of the government has pounded that thought into her brain.  How does her statement make any sense, it doesn’t it’s a lie.  Thou shall not lie, guess where laughing in the fact of that one also.  Stop believe people when they say your a bad person for being a homosexual and that it’s a sin.  Do you people not see how diluted peoples brains have become.  They don’t even know who they are or what they are saying.  We have to be the bigger stronger people, and rip the cords from our brains.  We have to stand up and help other people become free.  When God puts human beings on this Earth they are born free to make their own choices and be their own person.  Don’t let someone take that right away, if what your doing has not wrong or negative effects.  No ones rights should be taken away for being a wonderful loving person.  We have to stand up and shout to the world to make them see.  
I apologize for any grammar errors, I am not a grammar wiz.

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