January 22, 2012

I am so angry with the Republican party and certain “Christians”. I cannot stand it anymore. How dare they talk negative about a community they don’t know a darn thing about. You say we ruin marriage, yet thousands of you get divorced every single day (Mark 10:10). You say we are not fit to be parents. For your information I will have a bachelors degree in less than a year, I have never even gotten a speeding ticket, and have been with only 1 woman (not tons). And you tell me someone from jail is more fit then me?! Your supposed to save yourself for marriage, I would have loved to but you won’t let me marry my amazing girlfriend. You say you are discriminated aganist more than the LGBT community, that is a lie (your not supposed to lie that’s a sin). You misuse the bible against our community. The red in the bible is the really important stuff and the word homosexual is not in red. America invented the word homosexual. The Amercian bible is translated way differently than the real bible which is Greek/Hebrew. Funny bit of information you never talk about greed, that’s in red check out (Matthew 25: 31-46). He parts us right and left, those on the right inherited the kingdom of God because they gave him something to eat when he was hungry, gave him something to drink when he was thirsty, invited him in when he was a stranger, clothed him when he needed clothes, looked after him when he was sick, and visited him when he was in jail. Those on the left didn’t do any of those things and he told them to depart from him into eternal fire. He didn’t say straight people on the right homosexuals on the left. You people are so good at pointing your fingers. You don’t promote what God promotes, it’s sad. The homosexual community is treated awfully and so are the HOMELESS. Many chruches snarl their noses when a misdressed dirty homeless man, woman, or child walks into a church. (Matthew 23:13-34). I love everyone the way God does. God sends angles in disguise and sends test to see if human kind can pass. Much of the human race is teaching, learning, and radiating hate. (Romans 2:1-4) God loves everyone he does not see race or gender. It’s funny how everyone brings up Sodom, you people don’t even know what it’s about. (Exekiel 17:49) Now this is the sin of your sister Sodom. She and her daughters were overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. It’s sad the way you people judge me, my bible is highlighted and marked more than many of yours. I don’t hate you, we are all one in Christ. I just pray God helps YOU find your way. You spend so much time pointing your finger at us. God says to look in the mirror and take the the plank out of your eyes before you remove the speck from ours (Matthew 7:5). All humans are created equal and God does not favor anyone more or less: (Job 34:19), (Acts 10:34) and (Galatians 5:6). Stop making such a big deal of who we love. If everyone stood up against people like you, we would have you trapped in a corner. You treat us like scum and shove it down our throats and then tell us you don’t want to hear what we have to say. You hypocrites! We deserve to stand up and yell as much as we want to! Why would you teach children to sit and do nothing while someone unjustly degrades them unjustly with hate. You have the right to marry and divorce, and you think that’s protecting marriage! You split children between families, and think that’s a better environment for children! You take away our rights and say we don’t deserve them and demand we do nothing about it! Well I won’t be quiet. I am strong, caring, and important. I will not sit and let you call me things I am not. It’s really embarrassing to see all the FACTS against the people who do these things. All the things you say about me are wrong, they are lies! You are mistreating humans, and need to be held responsible for what you have done. It’s not all of you.  You come in all shapes, sizes, races, religions, genders, and political parties.  It is easy to find you though, because you speak so negatively of us, you don’t even know us. 

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